I’ve struggled to finish writing the article you are about to read for couple of months now; one of many times I’ve procrastinated and even failed to follow-through with something I proposed myself to do. Hope they can help you too! 👍
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Endertech Team
A few of us at Endertech mixed it up recently... we took a morning off to go painting at a local park!
As most have probably already seen, Google has something called reCAPTCHA that is designed to prevent spambots from submitting tons of garbage to your form postback processor.
I was using the magento-cloud CLI tool a bit ago, which is for interacting with their cloud hosting service, and it had an interesting login mechanism. I dug into it a bit to figure out what it was doing and thought I’d share what I learned.
One of my favorite announcements at WWDC 2018 was the unveiling of CreateML, a new framework that helps developers create machine learning models using Swift and Xcode.
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Endertech Team
Just since as recent as 2015, Google has made significant changes to its SEO algorithm with its formula now attaching much more weight to elements such as site security, mobile responsiveness, and site speed than was the case with its SEO formula earlier this decade.
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Endertech Team
“Progressive Web App” (PWA) is a term coined around 2015 to describe websites that operate like native apps and meets a set of criteria for the functionality that the PWA takes advantage of.
This unique vintage Hawaiian shirt website was one of our first custom e-commerce projects allowing them to share their rare collection of vintage Hawaiian shirts with the world, ranking #1 on Google for a variety of Hawaiian shirt related keywords.
With apologies to Bing Ads, whom I greatly respect as well, the standard bearer for efficient, intuitive, and functional pay per click UI (user interface) has always been Google AdWords.
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Endertech Team
Almost every website has a goal. Often the goal is to get someone to buy something. Other times, the goal may be to get the reader to complete a contact request. Sometimes the goal may be to inform or entertain, but there is still a goal.
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Endertech Team
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