Almost every website has a goal. Often the goal is to get someone to buy something. Other times, the goal may be to get the reader to complete a contact request. Sometimes the goal may be to inform or entertain, but there is still a goal.
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Endertech Team
Anil and I are die-hard music fans. Listening to anything ranging from the sweet sounds of an acoustic guitar to the deep depths of a bass. There is no better way to code than when we are coding to the beat of our favorite song. We decided to figure out ways we could relate code to music.
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Endertech Team
2017 was a banner year for E-commerce in US and globally. In the US alone, over 54M shopped online and over 64M shopped online and in stores. There were 58 days where online sales exceeded 1 Billion dollars. US Online Sales topped $459B which represents approximately 13% of Total US Retail.
Businesses have changed significantly since the 1950s, but the need to engage in effective marketing has not. As people spend more time online for work and pleasure, business owners recognize the importance of digital marketing to create and keep customers.
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Endertech Team
Before you get started managing a software development project, you need to meet with the client, preferably face-to-face, to understand their pain-points if it’s an existing project, or the long-form goals if it’s a new project.
The idea is important and the first step, but the actual execution of it has to be the next step. We can formulate opinions about different marketing ideas all day and assume different things as to why they probably will work or probably won’t work. The problem is, if you don’t try you won’t ever know!
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Endertech Team
In my professional experience here at Endertech and as digital designer in general, one of the most common questions I’ve heard from e-commerce clients is how to approach social media marketing. If you’re an owner or employee of a small to medium sized e-commerce site, then this article is for you.
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Endertech Team
It takes more than an intuitive design and testable features to make a project successful. Keeping a project within budget and on schedule is important to meet client expectations! However, this cannot be fulfilled without a less glamorous component of software development: project management.
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Endertech Team
You, the business owners have made it through the development of your software project. The product might still be in the alpha phase or perhaps you’re already in the beta phase. The next step is scheduling potential users to attend a soft launch.
Magento calculates and applies tax based on tax rules. Each tax rule is associated with a particular customer tax class, product tax class, and tax rate. Each tax rate is associated with a particular tax zone.
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Endertech Team
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