Rob Olmos - Endertech Chief Technology Officer

Favorite Quote
“It doesn't matter who scores the points, it's who can get the ball to the scorer. -- Larry Bird”
Joined Endertech
Primary Title
Chief Technology Officer
Secondary Title(s)
Cloud Engineer, Software Developer, Solution Architect
About Me
Working with different types of businesses to help them solve a particular tech-based challenge in an efficient manner is a creative & challenging enjoyment for me.
Learned development from physical books, personal & professional projects, and working on open source projects.
20+ years of development and working with clients & developers.
Software development & architecture, process automation, cloud services, computer networking, assisting others with troubleshooting & debugging.
Several programming languages, frameworks, databases, and cloud hosting platforms.
It doesn't matter who scores the points, it's who can get the ball to the scorer. -- Larry Bird
Working with different types of businesses to help them solve a particular tech-based challenge in an efficient manner is a creative & challenging enjoyment for me.
Articles by Rob Olmos

Rob Olmos breaks down the Adobe Photoshop API which is currently in Beta. Learn how to connect, see basic usage examples, and discover what is supported and what's not.

The article goes over what Edge Computing is and why it's important. It also touches on the role of software development and the new possibilities that edge computing can bring to societies.

You've probably received several emails by now from both Authorize.Net, possibly from Magento, and maybe even a critical alert in the Magento admin about some upcoming breaking changes with Authorize.Net.

I was using the magento-cloud CLI tool a bit ago, which is for interacting with their cloud hosting service, and it had an interesting login mechanism. I dug into it a bit to figure out what it was doing and thought I’d share what I learned.

“Progressive Web App” (PWA) is a term coined around 2015 to describe websites that operate like native apps and meets a set of criteria for the functionality that the PWA takes advantage of.

Your computer is acting sluggish for the past couple hours. All of the sudden you only see a screen saying your data is encrypted and you must send $1000 worth of bitcoins to an anonymous account. You hear on the news that a new virus was recently found but that gov agencies have shutdown the command & control servers so even if you do pay the bitcoin ransom you can’t decrypt your own files.

Automation has a strong potential to greatly increase agility because computers can be much faster than manual human actions in defined tasks. Marketing operations can be one of those defined tasks.

Lightbulbs, fitness trackers, and so require security. If you're building a device consider these 12 important pieces to a mandatory part of its security.

Discussing the differences between two e-commerce platforms, Magento vs Shopify. Which one is better for your ecommerce store?

We remain excited for edge computing possibilities like Fastly to keep gathering traction along with the internet continually evolving to being more decentralized.