Brian Miller - Endertech Lead Developer

Brian Miller
Favorite Quote
There's always something new to learn, and always something new to learn about things you already know.
Joined Endertech
Primary Title
Lead Developer
Secondary Title(s)
Full Stack Developer
About Me

In my spare time, I like to listen to and play music, as well as dabble in video games and various sciences.


B.S. from CSU Long Beach, 2004


22+ years professional IT experience; 10+ years web development


General web development, web applications, database design


PHP, MySQL, Linux, Windows, Apache, jQuery, C#, DirectX, UnrealEngine

Articles by Brian Miller
Illustration of the logo of the October CMS, along with the text "October CMS"
October CMS is a Symfony based platform that’s surprisingly easy to work with. Here’s a software developer’s insight.
Image showing a computer split screen for dark mode and light mode of a website.
Dark mode or light mode? The benefits of adopting this color design mode for your website and your users has its benefits.
An introduction to the NestJS NodeJS server-side application framework and how it can bring increased efficiency to development projects.
Stack of Photos
Web Development
Do you have a large image database dragging down you're website? Here you'll see the steps taken to carry out a mass image optimization using Amazon’s AWS CLI and ImageMagick. The importance of web speed for high rankings makes this article a must read.
Invisible reCAPTCHA 101
As most have probably already seen, Google has something called reCAPTCHA that is designed to prevent spambots from submitting tons of garbage to your form postback processor.
Ace has become the de-facto standard for in-line code edit for web content management systems. In this article, learn how we utilized the Ace code editor to improve a custom CMS we inherited from a new client engaging us to perform their software maintenance.
"NoSQL" has been a big buzzword in recent years within web application circles…how can there be a database with no SQL?
SlickGrid is a jQuery/javascript grid framework. It has many options and can create rich grids with custom controls and displays.