Marc Nimoy - Endertech Development Manager

Joined Endertech
Primary Title
Development Manager
Secondary Title(s)
Senior Developer, Full Stack Developer
About Me
Yoga Teacher Certified. Can solve a rubiks cube in under a minute. Goes out of his way to never use the mouse.
B.A. Music Performance - University of California, Los Angeles & M.F.A. Music Composition / Experimental Sound Practices - California Institute of the Arts
11+ years of Web Development, Project Management & Technical Consulting
Problem Solving, Project Management, Full Stack Development, UI/UX, Keyboard Shortcuts
PHP, MySQL, jQuery, Linux, CSS, Drupal, Wordpress, Symfony, Photoshop, Illustrator, Ruby, Processing, Keyboard Shortcuts, Vim
Yoga Teacher Certified. Can solve a rubiks cube in under a minute. Goes out of his way to never use the mouse.
Articles by Marc Nimoy

Web Development
This article focuses on the importance of preparing for software development as a paying client. Documenting all the details of your vision, or what we call Requirements Gathering and why it saves you time and money. Want to go from A to Z, this is how to pave the road.