E-commerce Experience for Food Sales

Why was an E-Commerce platform like Magento 2 important for the relaunch of MilkJarCookies.com?
Many businesses go through growing pains with their sites since they start being roadblocks instead of assets to their business. Choosing the right platform is a crucial first step in creating a system that is tailored to your business needs. The first Milk Jar Cookies site was stuck on a platform that wasn’t quite equipped to grow with their business.
Magento 2 offered standard ecommerce features out of the box that were already more robust than their previous platform(Drupal, a CMS system). By using the Magento 2 Platform, our team was able to open up the possibilities of creating more robust customizations and integrations to other services like ShipStation that helped speed up and grow their business.
Milk Jar Cookies interactive menu page allows Customers to view their menu of cookies, ice cream and drinks.
How did their Brick & Mortar influence the design of milkjarcookies.com?
Milk Jar Cookies location in Los Angeles has a very purposeful shabby chic interior that’s welcoming, friendly and homey. We wanted to create a very seamless experience between the physical location and their online shopping experience. To do this, we dissected some of their unique store details and brought them to a digital format.
The design elements; white ribbon dividers, the tan wallpaper, and the frames, were all sourced from the decor in their store in LA.
Tell me about the idea of “Custom Boxes” on Milk Jar Cookies?
A common use case in most bakery shops is to allow a customer to “build” their own selection of flavors from their assorted goods. Milk Jar Cookies is no different, they allow their customers to create a box of ANY number of assorted cookie flavors. The challenge was to replicate this experience virtually! Our team was able to customize on top of Magento’s Bundle product type, to mimic the physical experience of ordering a custom box of cookies!
Milk Jar Cookies custom box ordering is interactive and visually satisfying. It shows Customers to see the flavor of cookies and quantity left to fill a box up.
“Milk Jar” Cookies? So…how does the milk get shipped?
Well it does not. It’s likely to perish on its way to its destination. Therefore we added a shipping restriction for milk orders so can only qualify for pickup or delivery during checkout.
Milk can be added on the Checkout cart page. Tailored alerts are displayed to a customer about Shipping Restrictions; Milk cannot be shipped Nationwide.
Among having a shipping restriction for orders with milk in their cart, Milk Jar Cookies has other complex shipping rules that allow them to deliver fresh cookies all across the nation including support of in-store pickup, courier delivery and traditional UPS delivery. Plus, they have unique rules about how custom orders can be placed and when they should be available for pickup or delivery.
Milk Jar Cookies Shipping Options: Delivery, UPS, and Pickup
Read more detail about how we solved the three main issues below: