Custom Shopify Theme

Urgent Timelines and Design Focused
ClearStart, a skincare and acne treatment brand, approached Endertech with an urgent e-commerce project weeks before their official launch. The website was partially developed but was incomplete. When we learned the launch was weeks away, we knew the first step was to analyze their Shopify platform.
It was necessary to compare their wishlist of missing features with what could realistically be completed. For ClearStart it was more important having features fit their already established product and brand theme. Our recommendation: simplify. Focus only on the features necessary to allow productive use of the website. After guiding ClearStart through our Planning Phase, it didn’t take long for us to agree and begin a custom Shopify design configuration.

The Path to a Minimum Viable Product
As mentioned before, ClearStart had been working with another developer to build their site. Their original list included a product subscription payment model that integrated with their CRM software, a face scanning and photo upload feature, but also an option to use a webcam for a skin analysis.
But with a set launch date, starting over was not an option. Handing an unfinished project to a new company is risky. In ideal circumstances, the software development company would have a plan in place for a smooth transition. And when developers are given a half-completed project, they need more time to figure out the code of the previous architects before proceeding.
ClearStart’s major concern was finding a company to trust given the short deadline. Through our consultation, we established a trust that led us to inspect developer details, and plan the project accordingly. We took the results of our analysis and compared it to their wishlist. This helped us give them a better expectation of what needed to be done, (and what they could do) before their time-sensitive launch. Our analysis gave more comfort and appreciation for an achievable MVP product.
Why an MVP Equals a Custom Shopify Design Configuration
Endertech’s solution for a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) provided a satisfactory launch date and saved ClearStart time and money. A product that includes necessary features without the unnecessary luxuries. Providing structure with a comprehensive plan and details of what’s possible enables a company to make better informed decisions. At the conclusion of our Planning Phase, the major goal was keeping design and branding in line with previous developments already in place.
With goals in-hand, and a launch date fast approaching, Endertech’s frontend developers tackled the design requests one-by-one. An enormous part of the design tasks were attributes that required a custom Shopify template language. For this case, our experts made use of Liquid.
We can define a template language as a language that creates a bridge between an HTML file and product data. Here, the product data being ClearStart’s Shopify store. Using a template language like Liquid does not require the developer to know anything more than product file names to make changes.
This permits the designer to take file names of product data from the Shopify API and express that information across the website as desired. However, a template language like Liquid doesn’t go far without a skilled team to fast-track design tasks. And step by step, our design team carried out each custom item.
Leveraging Endertech’s expert use of the Liquid template language, our team added functions in the code to make custom changes. We aimed for the design themes to further connect the user experience with the brand. Something that ClearStart cheered for from the beginning.
The designs included custom names, descriptions, and hashtags to be displayed uniquely across multiple pages of the site. Leveraging the knowledge of the template language, Endertech accommodated and maintained these crucial design requests. Overall, maintaining full design control over small elements was the distinction ClearStart needed to stand out from other brands in the market.

Winning the Race of Time with a Custom Shopify Design Theme
With the pressure of delivering to their customers, ClearStart trusted our process, and found a reputable partner to join their launch expedition. Understanding their deadline and website details allowed us to narrow down features but maintain important design themes.
Providing transparent feedback gave ClearStart full control and a better position to make an informed decision. Our recommendation of an MVP saved ClearStart time and money. The choices we made together set ClearStart on the path to expand features once they better understand how customers interact with the website. This insight will help them decide on the best elements to invest on down the line, setting them up for future success.