Magento Redirects to Checkout after Registration / Create Account

Suppose you’ve disabled Guest Checkout on your Magento 2 store. Although this affects any Magento redirects for new users, there’s a solution for your guest to still checkout fast.
Now, suppose you are a first time customer to the store, you’ve browsed the site, added items to your cart, and clicked “Proceed to Checkout”.
You are interrupted with a Create Account or Log In modal… which is fine and expected.
If you were not a first time customer and you clicked “Log In”, you would be gracefully redirected to checkout, as one would expect.
However, if you are new and click “Create Account”, upon submission of that registration form, you will be redirected to your Account Dashboard, not the checkout page.
At best, this is an annoying behavior, since the intention to checkout was already given… and at worst, it is disconcerting / confusing / unintuitive for the user and they abandon the checkout process, not knowing what to do next.
One unsatisfying factor, is that the Customer Login Settings do not provide a solution for this. One would imagine why an alternative option isn’t available, but Magento 2 owners understand it’s important.
The Solution for Magento Redirects for New Users
So, in my search for a solution, I found gustavoulyssea/magento-redirect-checkout a simple solution provided by Gustavo Ulyssea. Thank you Gustavo!
To fix the problem, simply install this package via composer, run your typical deploy process, and voila! Now, if you have a cart, and click Create Account after attempting to checkout, Magento redirects to the current checkout phase in process, instead of the Account Dashboard.
This avoids customer discontent, and increases the likelihood your shoppers complete a transaction. Cutting the amount of steps to complete purchases on your Magento 2 site makes it more user-friendly, this can generate more purchases and return shoppers.