Hyvä and Magento

Hyvä Themes is a modern, built-from-scratch, paid solution for Magento 2 frontend. Released in 2020, it keeps the Magento framework with its core concepts, while fixing an outdated, overly-complex, low-performant Magento front end. Hyvä's primary offering is a front-end theme, but it also serves as a toolset, an extension ecosystem, and a supportive community. Hyvä's Usage statistics is on the rise, given the fact it is giving open source Magento to scale with today’s standards of the web. The trends are definitely superior adoption among SMBs, but also within the mid-market and enterprise segment.
Better for Users
Significantly trimming down code sent to users on the internet, Hyvä unlocks high performance potential.
Out of the box, Hyvä dazzles us with a perfect 100/100 score in Google Pagespeed and sails through Core web vitals with flying colors. See Hyvä's Demo here. Google Page speed gives you a picture of how your website does in a long run time. LCP and CLS are some other measures by Google
Better performance translates to better user experience, higher conversion ratings and higher SEO rankings.
Better responsive user experience provides seamless shopping experience across multiple devices.
Better for Developers
A typical Magento theme can be a heavy suitcase stuffed with over 200 JS/CSS resources weighing in at 1.5 MB. Hyvä is like a lightweight backpack, smartly packed with only 2 JS/CSS resources (0.2 MB).
Magento ships with a base theme “Luma” and most themes are developed or extended off of this theme. Luma is no longer in development by Adobe so Hyvä is a refreshing complete rebuild alternative for Magento frontend.
Less code means less complexity, making it a lot easier and more fun to work with. It is very developer friendly with removal of RequireJS, Knockout, UIComponents but retention of layout.xml, blocks and viewModels.
Leverages a lot of tools that come from the thriving Laravel ecosystem. Currently uses TailwindCSS and AlpineJS.
This is an alternative to headless PWAs, for those that chose not to venture into the Javascript-only web.
Requires Magento 2.4.3 CE or higher and PHP 7.4, 8.1 or 8.2
Better for Merchants
Lower costs of development by helping build new features and custom development faster and fixes the earlier Magento theme’s frontend issues. Time to market is faster . Other headless/ PWA frontends for Magento 2 are expensive, Hyvä definitely saves you money while delivering fast results. With many Magento merchants grappling to upgrade their storefronts and match rivals on platforms like Shopify, Hyvä offers a modernized, performance-driven approach to themes.
Better store performance on different view ports
2,200 live stores are using Hyvä Themes according to BuiltWith (vs 1,000 last year and already hitting 2,750 as of March 2024!)
It delivers significant benefits for online businesses: improved user experience, higher conversion rates, better search engine rankings, and increased revenue.
Compatibility Module tracker
Magento ecommerce system thrives on its marketplace of extensions to quickly extend its capability. Many vendors across the globe develop extensions for this very powerful ecommerce system. In the past months, many of these vendors are developing Hyva-compatible modules or migrating their modules to become Hyvä-compatible. 800+ extensions are now compatible with Hyvä as of date. Check here to track and see Hyvä compatible modules.
Magento Merchants seeking a storefront makeover without breaking the bank can look to Hyvä Theme. With a promise of optimized performance and streamlined development, it’s a boon for users, developers and merchants. Planning is key, and understanding your specific needs will ensure a seamless transition. Connect with us to see if we can help forward your business goals.